New Construction Termite Soil Treatments
We offer plans to protect your home all year long
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In business over 40 years
Since 1984
New Construction Termite Soil Treatments
Termite soil pre-treats are a surface application for establishing a horizontal barrier for termites. All surface applications will be applied as a coarse spray that provides uniform distribution over the soil surface areas that will be covered by concrete.
The purpose of a chemical soil treatment for termites is to establish a continuous chemical treated zone between the wood and other cellulose material in the structure and any termite colonies in the soil. Mug-A-Bug, Inc. will provide a uniform treated zone in the soil around critical areas, such as along the inside of foundation walls and around plumbing, bath traps, utility services, and other features that will penetrate the slab by applying the solution at a heavier volume.
Preparation for Treatment
Removal of any wood debris is essential during the construction process. Any materials containing cellulose that may be in contact with the soil either under or around the structure being treated should be removed and greatly reduce termite foraging after construction is complete.
Elimination of any leaks or moisture accumulation within or around the exterior of the structure is advised for the prevention of any conducive termite conditions once construction is complete.
Application of Termite Treatments
Applications will only be applied to the soil or other fill substrate that will accept the solution at the specified rate during all applications. Mug-A-Bug cannot treat any soil that is water-saturated or frozen.
No soil treatments can occur while precipitation is occurring or in any conditions where run-off is likely to occur. Any re-treatment due to rain would require additional treatment at the expense of the general contractor. Soil applications cannot occur during or immediately following heavy rains. Soil applications cannot be performed when conditions may cause runoff or create an environmental hazard.
The volume of application may be reduced providing there is a corresponding increase in concentration so that the amount of active ingredient applied to the soil remains the same. The soil treatment will treat the entire surface of the soil or other substrate to be covered by any slabs, including areas under carports, porches, basement floors, and entrance platforms that connect to the structure being treated.
Application Rates
Horizontal Application Rates: Apply 1 gallon of treated solution per 10 sq. ft. Apply 1.5 gallons of treated solution per 10 sq. ft. when applying to gravel or other coarse aggregates.
Vertical Application Rates: Apply 4 gallons of treated solution per 10 linear feet when applying around critical areas such as interior foundation walls, plumbing, bath traps, utility services, and other features that will penetrate the slab.
Soil Disturbance
Soil disturbance CANNOT occur once the termite soil treatment has been performed. If soils are disturbed after termite soil application, a re-treat is essential in all areas that soils were disturbed. Re-treat will require an additional charge at the general contractor’s expense.
Mug-A-Bug will properly dispose of any termiticide containers offsite by label instructions, including triple rinse and destruction of the original container. Mug-A-Bug is a certified pest control operator licensed in the State of Colorado and is an approved contractor to perform termite soil treatments, which falls under the category of Wood Destroying Insects with the Colorado Dept. of Ag.
Premise Pre-Construction is our preferred termite soil treatment product used for each project. Imidacloprid is the active ingredient (AI) for Premise Pre-Construction. Premise Pre-Construction is a non-repellent termiticide used for the prevention or control of subterranean termites.
Premise Pre-Construction is labeled for use against subterranean termites as a 0.5% to 0.10% solution rate. The project application rate will be 0.5% unless difficult soils require the application rate to be increased.
Jobsite Preparation
1. Construction workers and other individuals should leave the immediate area during treatment and application until the termiticide is absorbed into the soil. Workers can re-enter the treated area usually within 20-30 minutes.
2. All grading, compaction, electrical, plumbing, ductwork, and any pre-slab construction must be completed before our termite soil treatment application.
3. Before soil applications, all floor ducts, vents, and drains must be covered or sealed before the soil treatment can occur.
4. Immediately upon completion of the termite soil application, a vapor barrier or waterproof membrane must be installed by the concrete sub-contractor to prevent any moisture saturation to the treated soil from occurring.
5. Termite soil applications are recommended 48-72 hours before the concrete pour. A non-repellent termiticide will be applied for maximum effectiveness and duration during the application process. We should be the last sub-contractor to perform any work before the concrete pour.
6. All applications must be performed when outside temperatures are above freezing due to application/equipment exposure.
Stay on top of things with our
Maintenance Packages
Pest Control
starting at
This service is primarily for commercial accounts (restaurants, coffee shops, donut shops, etc.) that require a monthly maintenance. Some residential customers will go monthly based on their tolerance threshold, or they are from the South and they are just used to a monthly service frequency.
starting at
This is primarily for residential customers and the most common service package that we recommend to our residential customers. The reason that we prefer the bi-monthly service is because the products that we use typically have a residual effect that lasts between 45-60 days and that the customer will be due for their next regularly scheduled treatment normally within the next 1-2 weeks.
starting at
This is for customer’s who do not mind seeing the occasional spider or ant and have a higher tolerance threshold. Since these customers are serviced every 90 days, there is roughly a 30-day period where they will not have any “active” product or residual at their home since the products used have become less effective or worn-off.
100% satisfaction guaranteed
additional applications
If a customer has a rodent (mice/rat) issue we typically recommend that they are on a monthly frequency at first until eradication has been achieved, then we can switch them to a less frequent package.
The Works
Occasional Invaders:Ground Beetles
Beetles:Carpet Beetles and Cabinet Beetles
Biting Insects (In-Home Only):Fleas and Ticks
Stinging Insects:Bees, Hornets, Yellow Jackets, Wasps, Mud Daubers
Stored Product Pests:Indian Meal Moth, Flour Beetles, Larder Beetles, Drugstore Beetles, Sawtoothed Grain Beetles, Clothes Moths
Exclusions Include:Wood Destroying Insects, Bed Bugs, Clover Mites, Flies, and Gnats
starting at
Customers will contact us to provide a one-time application or “on-demand” applications throughout the year. Some will call twice a year (Springs & Fall) for service.
I was very happy with them. When I called them up, I told them what my problem was and they said “no problem”. They were prompt and very professional. They came out and told me what he was going to do for the charge that he was going to charge me. They laid their traps and stuff and then within four of five days, the whole infestation was completely gone. I haven’t had the problem with the ants since they applied their bug juice on them. They were to the point, very accurate and very professional. If I had to use a bug company again, I would use them. They were great.
General Pest Control
Rodent (Mice/Rat) Control
Termites New Construction
Termites Post Construction
General Pest Control
Rodent (Mice/Rat) Control
Termites New Construction
Termites Post Construction
General Pest Control
Rodent (Mice/Rat) Control
Termites New Construction
Termites Post Construction
General Pest Control
Rodent (Mice/Rat) Control
Termites New Construction
Termites Post Construction