Although leafhoppers typically go unnoticed, walking through infested areas of turf grass often brings attention to these tiny insects. Measuring only about 1/16th of an inch, leafhopper adults are winged and capable of flying short distances when disturbed. Immature leafhoppers are wingless; they are however capable of jumping short distances when needed, hints the name leafhopper. Damage from leafhoppers is typically minimal and caused by feeding on the sap from the turf grass. Females lay their eggs into the blade of the grass and eggs hatch within a matter of days. Most leafhoppers are capable of over wintering as adults. Coloration varies from light colors to brown with immature leafhoppers resembling the adults while lacking wings. Control is not typically necessary due to their lack of damage and these insects are typically considered to simply be a nuisance. In the event that treatment is needed, general lawn application insecticides labeled for controlling leafhoppers are available. Leafhoppers are at times mistaken for young grasshoppers due to their jumping motions when disturbed; however closer examination easily reveals the difference in the two.